The Cabriolets son un grupo que ha contado con el respaldo de los medios de comunicación desde antes de su presentación, por la condición familiar de su vocalista y letrista Bimba Bosé. Percibo su música como un producto para el consumo de masas por el recurso a melodías básicas dentro de esquemas soul reconocibles y acompañamientos instrumentales comedidos y previsibles. Lo que puede ser eficaz para quienes tienen encuentros fugaces con la música, resulta aburrido y machacón para quienes dedicamos gran parte del tiempo a disfrutar con ella. No obstante, en su trabajo se encuentran algunas piezas fronterizas con la música de criterio, como es el caso de "Poco a poco", último videoclip extraído de su CD "Demo" (...), o "Cadáver exquisito", que oidas con buena disposición, podrían evocar a algunas de las numerosas bandas que hacen un pop fresco, creativo y de calidad en la América Latina.
The Cabriolets is a group supported by mass media before its presentation, due to the celebrity of its singer and lyricist, Bimba Bosé. I reckon they leans towards mainstream for the use of elemental melodies within recognizable soul schemes and simple and limited instrumental support. That characterisctics, useful to many consumers, becomes usually boring and tiresome to people who spend a lot of time listenting to music. However, it's possible to find into their CD "Demo" some pieces borderline with the criterion music, as it is the case of "Poco a poco", their lats launched video, or "Cadáver Exquisito", which, being in good mood, could evoke to some of the many Latin American bands and singers which play fresh, creative and high quality pop there.
The Cabriolets is a group supported by mass media before its presentation, due to the celebrity of its singer and lyricist, Bimba Bosé. I reckon they leans towards mainstream for the use of elemental melodies within recognizable soul schemes and simple and limited instrumental support. That characterisctics, useful to many consumers, becomes usually boring and tiresome to people who spend a lot of time listenting to music. However, it's possible to find into their CD "Demo" some pieces borderline with the criterion music, as it is the case of "Poco a poco", their lats launched video, or "Cadáver Exquisito", which, being in good mood, could evoke to some of the many Latin American bands and singers which play fresh, creative and high quality pop there.
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